Click Edit Info to edit the restaurant's information. Note that only the admin can edit the "Spending per Head", "Payment Method", "Special Conditions" and "Signature Dish."
Edit the Opening Hours for each day of the week. You can even edit the opening hours of Public Holidays and Public Holidays Eve
To edit the Payment Methods, click Payment Method on the Edit Restaurant Info page. Select all the payment methods that apply to your restaurant. If all of them apply, turn the Select All toggle on.
Edit the Signature Dishes here. Click Add more dishes to add more signature dishes. Be sure to add an English and Chinese name for the signature dishes.
This page allows you to view the number of bookmarks your restaurant has received in the past four months. Click on Total Views and Menu Views to see those statistics.
Click Billing on the bottom right to see the number of credits remaining.
Click into the Billing Account to view past transactions.