


Under Manage Capacity, restaurants can adjust the number of seats available for booking on OpenRice.

Party Size / Booking Time / Deposit

Party Size

Set the minimum and maximum number of people in a party. Parties cannot have less than 1 person and more than 20 people.

Booking Time

Select the minimum and maximum time ahead a person can make a reservation.


Select whether a deposit is required or not. If the deposit is required, select the required deposit amount per person and the minimum party size for the deposit to apply.

Normal Capacity

1To adjust the normal capacity, click "Edit" on the bottom left corner.

2Select between Sunday-Saturday to set the restaurant's operating period.

3Status: Select Accept booking or not accept booking.

4Cut-off time: After this time, diners cannot make reservations for that day. For example, if the cut-off time is 4pm, after 4pm, diners can no longer make a reservation for that day.

After filling out these details, restaurants can now set the restaurant's opening hours.

5Period 1: Adjust the length of the time period by dragging the toolbar.
Duration: Set the dining duration for each booking.
Seats: Set the number of seats available during this time period
Interval: Set the interval between each booking time.

6Period 2: If the restaurant has addtional opening periods, you can click "Add more periods." For example, if a restaurant is open from 12-3pm and then from 6-9pm, then period 1 would reflect the 12-3pm interval and period 2 would reflect the 6-9pm interval.

7After filling out the general capacity, click "clone this setting to all days" to have it apply to all other days. If there are any days that need a different setting, you can edit the individual day.

8Be sure to click "save" after completing everything.

Special Capacity

During the holiday seasons (e.g. Christmas), some restaurant may close or change their operating hours and available seats. Setting the special capacity will allow you to account for these changes.

If you would like to close the restaurant:

  1. Click “Add Special Capacity”
  2. Input the title
  3. Select the range of dates for this to apply
  4. Click “Not accept booking”

If you would like to change the operating hours or seating availability:

  1. Click “Add Special Capacity”
  2. Input the title
  3. Select the range of dates for this to apply
  4. Click “Accept booking”
  5. Fill in the rest of the form accordingly, refer to the Normal Capacity instructions if there is any confusion.


Edit Normal Capacity

  1. On the Manage Capacity page, click the edit button on the left to edit the normal capacity.
  2. Under deposit, select "Required" and enter the deposit amount required per person.
  3. Set the minimum party size neccessary for the deposit to apply.
  4. Be sure to save after making any changes.

Edit / Create Special Capacity

  1. On the Manage Capacity page, click "Add Special Capacity" to open a new Special Capacity page.
  2. Under deposit, select "Required" and enter the deposit amount required per person.
  3. Set the minimum party size neccessary for the deposit to apply.
  4. Be sure to save after making any changes.


Calendar displays the monthly overview of the restaurant's opening hours


  • Today - highlighted in blue
  • Special capacity day - title is in red
  • Change in time - the opening hours are different from the general capacity
  • Deposit - a deposit has been set for that day

2Opening Hours Details

  • Click on a date on the calendar to view the opening hour details.
  • Click on the edit button to make changes.
  • Click on the delete button to delete the special capacity.