With our pre-order function,accept and prepare orders more efficiently and increase sales instantly!
Clicking on "TAKEAWAY" from Side menu/ Dashboard to view all the orders
There will be a shade light blue colour for the the new order
Notification will send to the user when merchant click Accept / Reject.
New Update's button will appear if you have a new order. Click "New Update" to refresh the page.
When the order is "Accepted", the status will change to "Accepted" with the schedule time. 時間。
When the status changed to “Ready” Customers will receive a notification.
You may click “Print” to print out the receipt.
There will be a pop up text box when you “Cancel/ Reject Order”. You may choose the default reason or fill in the related reasons.
You may also click “Reject” when you need to Cancel Order.
You may adjust your settings according to your preferance.
You may change your Dishes Status according to the availability: Available / Sold out.
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