HSBC - Index Page Exclusive Position (Mobile Site)
A fixed position at the most eye-catching section of OpenRice's mobile site is dedicated for HSBC. The button will be linked to an exclusive listing page of all restaurants offering discounts to HSBC credit card holders.

BEA - Index Page Exclusive Position (Desktop Site)
Similarly, the other fixed position at the top of OpenRice's desktop site is dedicated for BEA. The button will be linked to an exclusive listing page of the restaurants with BEA credit card offers.
Desktop Site Fixed Position
Dedicated Listing Page

Asia Miles - Native Advertisement Project
A badge is created for Asia Miles to promote the list of all dining partners that are offering asia miles rewards. The exposure covers a dedicated listing page, as well as the search filter at the advanced search box.
Asia Miles Badge
Dedicated Listing Page

Times Square - Dining Room Year Round Project
As one of the most popular landmark in town, Time Square has grouped all the restaurant tenants in a dedicated listing page with our Restaurant Management System (RMS). We also provided the service of minisite production, editorial, and mini-movie for their year round branding project.
RMS Landmark Page