Vouchers is now available for Merchant to publish conveniently on OpenRice.
Click “Voucher” to create a voucher.
Side menu
Click “Voucher” to view Voucher listing page
Voucher Listing
Active Tab
On Sale - Vouchers that are currently being sold on OpenRice
Scheduled - Vouchers that are scheduled to go on sale in the future
Redeem Only - Vouchers that are no longer available for purchase on OpenRice, but diner's that have already bought the voucher can still redeem it.
Expired Tab
All vouchers that have expired
Draft Tab
Already created vouchers that are pending for approval by OpenRice. These vouchers have not been published to OpenRice yet. Unwanted drafts can be deleted by swiping left on IOS or holding the button for a long time on Andriod
Vouchers that are pending approval or rejected will also be displayed here. If a coupon is rejected, the reason for rejection will be shown so that the coupon can be amended and re-submitted.