Click to create a new voucher
From Dashboard shortcut
From Side Menu : Voucher > “+”
Offers can be set in 3 different langauges (English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese)
Select an appealing photo. If no photo is selected, the restaurant's entrance photo on OpenRice will be used.
Select the dates that the voucher will be available for purchase on OpenRice.
Control the total amount of vouchers available for purchase.
It is possible to set an unlimited number of vouchers
(i) From Purchase Date
Select either “From Purchase Date” or “Specfic Date.” After the Voucher is purchased, it can be redeemed within the valid perid. i.e. Puchase Date + N months (at least 3 months required).
(i) From Specific Date
Diners can redeem Vouchers on specific days or periods.
Set a specific date range available for redemption.
Time Period: Start to End Period.
Redemption (Exclusion)
Diners cannot redeem voucher on specifics days or time periods
Time after purchasing that the diner has to wait to redeem the voucher.
How many vouchers can be redeemed each time.
Select all branches that the voucher can be redeemed at.
Upload up to 10 photos of the menu and dishes
Enter an appealing title
Let diners know the voucher details
Input any additional T&C if needed